
September 25, 2019

Excercising with Your Kids

So I'm curious. Do you exercise with your kids?

I wish I could say I was more intentional about it. Maybe I ought to make it a more regular habit. I try to do walking videos regularly, but for me it's pretty off and on. And sometimes the kids do come and join me when I do them. But most of the time I try to do it after they are in bed for the night or before they get up because, let's be honest now, they do get in the way a bit. 

It is important that kids stay active. In the summer, it's not too hard to do. We have a trampoline and a big yard and they get a lot of activity in that way. I really enjoy getting out for a walk and although they are not quick walkers (I have to remind myself that the journey is more important than getting to the destination.) if we can get out, it's still really good exercise. We put the kids in gymnastics and swim lessons here and there. But I am not actually super intentional about making sure that they get in a wholesome exercise routine regularly. I'll have to give that some thought.

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