
July 19, 2019

Putting a Priority on my Marriage

In the busyness of my life and my home, it is easy to become focused on all the things that need to be done. Maintaining the home, making meals, and caring for my children can easily take up all my time leaving my husband to take last place in my priorities.

Before I had children, I had only my husband and when my children all grow and move out, I will have only my husband again. Without the marriage to my husband I would not have this home and these children to care for. And if I don't maintain it, it can degrade. My relationship with my husband needs to take a high priority over all these other things.

I need to ask myself, what can I do to be a blessing to my husband today? How can I better support him?

Part of helping and supporting him is maintaining the home in such a way that he can use it; keeping rooms clean and tidy, doing his laundry, looking after tasks that are usually his responsibility when he is away.

But when he is home, I also need to communicate with him, hear his heart and see to his emotional and spiritual needs.

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