
March 30, 2015

Walk Away the Pounds

I've blogged about the Walk Away the Pounds DVD that I have before. But I wanted to add this new one that I got last summer because I love it!

This DVD is one that I use daily! (very generally speaking) It has 5 different miles so you can mix and match them if you like. I used this when I was trying to lose my pregnancy weight after my 3rd. It was great because I could do as many or as few miles as I wanted depending on how I felt and just add the warm up and cool down onto the beginning and end. 

Now that my energy is much lower and my kids seem busier, one mile is all I can commit to at a time. So I try to just do one a day sometime in the morning. If I have energy and time left, I might do one more at the end, but that's about all I can do right now. 

I already liked the DVD I had before. Leslie Sansone uses the same basic moves that are easy to follow (unlike other difficult or complicated videos I've tried) and she gives great directions with plenty of advance warning so it's easy to follow along even if it's you're first time. 

Even though I like this first one that I had (3 workouts on 1 DVD), I usually used only the 1 mile or 2 mile and got tired of doing the same thing every single time.

The newer DVD (Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan) has plenty of options for variation; there are even toning exercises you can add in after if you wanted. The music is much more upbeat in this one and so much more fun. My favourite are the purple and green miles which have the most upbeat music and also do the grape vines. (I love grape vines!) My least favourite mile is the blue mile because she adds in some jumping jacks and pretend jump roping- just too much bouncing for me. I'll walk through it or do some side steps or something instead.

If you're like me and live up north where it's winter 3/4 of the year so it's hard to get outside, then this indoor walking is great! Or if you're like me and have 3 preschoolers under foot and pregnant with a fourth so it's hard to get a good work out walking outside even if it is nice out (kids are really slow at walking) then indoor walking is great year round!

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