I happened upon this article on Natural News about how Non GMO Project cereals may still contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms). I was pretty skeptical about that, but the article explained that products can be enrolled in the Non GMO Project verification program if they are heading in the direction of being non GMO even though they aren't currently non GMO. I wanted to see for myself. So I got our box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch! cereal to check it out. (Kashi was one of the brands the article says contains high levels of GMOs.) There was the label on the front: But in the ingredients listed were "soy flakes" and "expeller pressed canola oil". Since this one is not organic, I'm inclined to believe that the soy and canola are from GM seeds. My other box of Kashi cereal did not have the Non GMO Project label, but it was organic and there were no ingredients that seemed alarming to me. Also the Nature's Path cereal I had (Hemp Plus Granola- so yummy!) did not have the Non GMO Project label and was also organic with no alarming ingredients. I have to come to the same conclusion as the article's author: don't trust the Non GMO Project label but read the ingredients. And when in doubt, buy organic. It's really disappointing not to be able to trust their label. |
Isaiah 40:11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
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