
October 28, 2014

Learning Shapes while Painting

This painting project was really fun!

I found this idea on mess for less through Pinterest.

October 26, 2014

Eye-Spotted Lady Beetle

I have never noticed a ladybug like this before. It really surprised me. The white rings around its black spots are unique to this species.

October 24, 2014

Colour Collage Booklet

I prepared for these booklets by cutting out pictures of things of that colour from magazines ahead of time.

October 20, 2014

Cut and Paste Colour Booklet

I made a few little booklets by folding three 8 1/2" x 11" pieces of paper in half and with a needle and thread sewing down the middle. 

October 18, 2014

Checkered White Butterfly

The Checkered White Butterfly is also sometimes called the Southern Cabbage Butterfly. The gender is obvious because the butterflies' male and female patterns are actually very different from each other.

This butterfly is male. The female Checkered White Butterfly has many more dark markings on it than the male.

October 14, 2014

Prominent Moth: Notodonta Torva

This fuzzy moth was found on the wall of our house. I thought at first that it must be a Tussock Moth, but it turns out to have been a Prominent Moth. Both generally have fuzzy forelegs.

October 10, 2014

Lake Darner

This dragonfly landed on the baby's blanket while we were at the park. The mosaic-like patterns on its body are amazing.

photo taken August 2014

October 6, 2014

Many Plumed Moth: Alucita

This tiny moth was found on the wall of our house. It may not look so camouflaged, but it was so small that it really blended in well in the shadow of a crack. I passed it without seeing it the first time even though I was looking for moths.

photo taken August 2014

October 4, 2014

Coconut Apple Oatmeal Spice Cookies

This experiment turned out beautifully! Sooo yummy!

October 2, 2014

Red-Belted Bumble Bee

We found this bumble bee on these yellow tansy flowers. At first, we thought it must be a honey bee because of the red stripes on its back. I didn't know there were so many kinds of bumblebees! You should definitely take a second look the next time you see one.

Photo taken August 2014

There are actually a few different kinds of bumblebees with red stripes.